Pretty Butterflies

“I’m not going anywhere. I’ll always be here for you. I cherish you. You gave me butterflies in my 30s”

I stared out in oblivion for what seemed forever

I don’t think I heard right. I was too beside myself with emotions. Was this the end? I wondered

Don-…I began and paused. What am I doing? For the first time, I was loving someone right. In the soft, warm way. Not being aggressive, but understanding. Intentional and choosing you even on days when I didn’t feel great about you.

This beautiful man…

I’m crazy about you. Very much so.

I love that I chose you over my selfishness but it stings. It hurts. I wish I hadn’t started this conversation. But I’d love even more for you to be your awesome self again. On your own time, without feeling like you’ve to be okay in a short while for my sake.

Why do we have to split when we’re so crazy over each other? Bad timing, is it? Ugh

I’ve missed you so badly.

I adore you, and if this really is the end, then I’ll cherish the memories and laughter. I’m happy I had this time with you.

Love always

©Asiedua Yeboah

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